The best one-liner of the night came from Tom Tancredo: "I trust in conversions on the road to Damascus, not conversions on the road to Des Moines" (in reference to Mitt Romney's newfound affection for conservative principles).
I'm still not committed to any candidate, though I do see 1-2 I could potentially get behind. But no one stands out at this point, and I am definitely not comfortable with front runner Giuliani as the Republican candidate. (This reminds me: I still have to comment on Newt Gingrich as a potential GOP candidate).
All this begs the question: Could 2008 be the year when a viable Independent ticket actually competes for the Presidency? We are probably years away from a successful Independent ticket of any stripe. But a political sea change is in the works, with traditional and social conservatives potentially exiled from a Republican party dominated by libertarians.
If Hillary wins the Dems' nomination, and pro-choice, establishment Republican Giuliani grabs the Republican nomination, who would you choose? Is there an Independent ticket you would support, and if so, who?
BC - I have no idea who I would vote for, but if it was HC and RG on the ticket, I would give a hard look at whoever the Independent is.
I came across a blog by Steve Brown last night and found it quite amusing. Sometimes I can't help but laugh (or gasp) at some of the things he has to say... Voting for Satan
TC: Thanks for the reference--I'll probably visit Brown's blog (great title, by the way) fairly regularly from now on. I posted a comment on his site, too, which basically summarizes my response to "Voting for Satan."
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