Friday, February 16, 2007

It's a girl!

Here comes a baby girl Carson....
Well, this is according to the ultrasound technician, anyway, who could decipher the wriggling grey matter on the tv-screen. After squinting at the movements for 30 minutes or so I gave up, but two technicians confirmed it: the feisty little puncher is a she.

We have our list of names, of course, but.... we're not telling. (sorry)

As a result of the silence, people are getting creative. So far the popular names in my office are, in order:

1. Kit
and 2. Scout

Apparently people are amused by the idea of a Kit Carson, and better yet, a Scout Kit Carson.

I had hoped that the announcement of a girl would dissolve the idea, but for those of you who read To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, you know that Scout is indeed the name of a the female protagonist, which my co-workers quickly pointed out.

The news of the baby girl has created a flurry of e-mailing and creative deliberations among all - even the more stoic -- of the faculty and staff in Mass Comm. I'm pretty sure that these professors are half-convinced that this baby is partially theirs. Since Bryce and I met in a MCOM class, were introduced by our professor, and had a rather high profile engagement since I work in the office, -- I'm sure that naming our child is the logical next step.

The latest piece of advice came today: "Go gender neutral," one female professor said in a very knowing way.

"You know, like Ryan."


"Or," my supervisor called out from her office. "Like Scout...."

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