Monday, October 15, 2007

"Where the action is..."

Oh my...something I read tonight written by a Georgetown professor laid another few pounds on top of an issue that already weighs heavy on my mind.
Today, I was just thinking this thought: Ultimately, at the political level of life, the greatest potential for affecting some sort of desired change -- "where the action is," so to speak -- is in two places:

1) At the "highest" level of national government: in foreign affairs, diplomacy, national security, defense and war -- and
2) at the "lowest" (or "most fundamental") level of government: the school board, the county commission, the city council, the mayor's office and perhaps even the state capitol (depending on the state and the policy issue).
Much of what lies between these two poles -- Congress, much of the Executive Branch, the scores and scores of regulatory agencies -- seem to me, at the present time, the embodiment of "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."

p.s. Don't despair -- I really do like my job quite a lot, for this season of life -- ok that's enough ruminating for the night. ;)


1 comment:

seth said...

my deep pondering friend...

if you haven't read "Dangerous Wonder" by Michael Yaconelli, do so, I am only a chapter in but it has been refreshing to my soul to catch a glimpse of the simplicity and innocence of a child like faith amidst an all too often troubling world.