Friday, December 14, 2007

"Maybe it's not what he wants from you either."

Huckabee must be a contender, if the respectable conservative National Review (which endorsed Mitt Romney) is spewing this type of invective -- try to choke down some of the venom emanating from Lisa Schiffrin:

Everything that happens, Huck, all those reporters are going to want you to say something, everywhere you go, 24/7. And lots of people will act based on what you say. And not all of them have lots of love in their heart, Huck. That bait shop on the lake — it's looking good. You'll be surrounded by nice neighbors, real Christians, and you can be the smartest guy in the room. You can go out running every morning. Remember Huck — Jesus wouldn't be dumb enough to go into politics.You were right on that one. Maybe it's not what he wants from you either.

Well, here's to high school politics. Go get 'em Huck (and by the way -- COOL IT on the Lou Dobbs-like rhetoric on immigration -- I thought you weren't mad at anybody? Stick with authenticity, not linking hands with scaremongers)


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