Monday, December 3, 2007

Missionaries Wanted - Location: Paris

Via Spengler, a call for missionaries where they perhaps are needed most:

Secular liberalism, the official ideology of almost all the nations of Western Europe, offers hedonism, sexual license, anomie, demoralization and gradual depopulation. Muslims do not want this. In Africa, Christian missionaries go to Muslims and offer them God's love and the hope of eternal life. But I am aware of no Christian missionaries active in the Muslim banlieue (outskirts) of the Paris suburbs or the Turkish quarters of Berlin. By contrast, there is indeed a war with Islam, and it is being won in parts of the world where Christians wage it on spiritual grounds. No Christian army has had to march in its support. Europe, meanwhile, is losing ground to Islam because it declines to fight.

I agree. There are already thousands of Christian missionaries in sub-Saharan Africa, and most of them are Africans. Who would think to be a missionary (or "tentmaker") in majority-Muslim suburbs of Paris, Rotterdam and Berlin? Not many, apparently.


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