Thursday, August 9, 2007

Wrapped around whose finger?

Hadassah is officially smiling now. She's coy, though, and she makes you work for it.

Excuse me, she says. I'd like to be fed, burped, rocked, changed, swung around in circles, serenaded in an alto, read to from periodicals, strollered beneath tree shadows... okay, NOW if you pinch my cheeks one more time with that goofy high voice...

And her mouth widens into the biggest grin you've ever seen.

Energy is suddenly not an issue.

Another round, Hada!



Unknown said...

I miss my niece

Kristen said...

So, has she read that Plato yet? Hada told me that she wanted to discuss the formation of that philosophy group, ASAP.

She is so beautiful! I miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

What a doll! I'm sure energy is not an issue for her, but what about you two? Are you keeping up? :)